Maysville | (606) 759-5302 - Vanceburg | (606) 796-6313 - Flemingsburg | (606) 849-8473

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Affiliations in Maysville, KY Tire Brands in Maysville, KY

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Tire World

Tire World opened our first location more 25 years ago, and we’ve been providing our customers with the highest quality auto repairs ever since. Customers in and around the Maysville, KY agree, Tire World is the place to go when you need tires or car repairs. We’ve expanded to 3 locations, so there’s sure to be one near you. Over the years, our truck and farm service have become some of our more popular offerings. If you’ve noticed your car acting funny, or doing some unusual things, but you’re not sure what the problem is, use our online diagnostic center to find out. Just tell us your vehicle’s year, make, and model, and answer some basic questions, and we’ll help make a diagnosis. Schedule your service appointment with us when you have your information. When you choose service from Tire World, you’ll know why customers have chosen us again and again since 1987.