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Diagnostic Center

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Are you sure you want to start over? All current progress will be lost.

We’ve been working on cars for more than 25 years, but even we get frazzled when we need car repairs. If your vehicle has seemed to have a mind of its own lately, use our online vehicle diagnostic center to figure out what’s wrong. Tell us the year, make, and model of the vehicle in question, and answer a few basic questions. We’ll ask you things like whether the problem is something you can see, hear, or feel, for example, and return a diagnosis based on your answers. Use that diagnosis to research the types of repairs you might need and schedule your appointment with us. Our online diagnostic center tool is fast, free, and available 24 hours a day. Use it at your convenience. Start entering your vehicle information now to get started.

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Contact Us

Phone: (606) 759-5302
Fax: (606) 759-7634
Address: 1416 US Highway 68
Maysville, KY 41056
Phone: (606) 796-6313
Fax: (606) 796-6389
Address: 307 Clarksburg Road
Vanceburg, KY 41179
Phone: (606) 849-8473
Fax: (606) 849-1962
Address: 1191 Elizaville Road
Flemingsburg, KY 41041
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